October 18, 2008

Haiku of David Foster Wallace

... Consider The Lobster ...

Lobster used to be
Eaten only by the poor
Not men of free will

Now lobster is posh
On the expensive part of
Chain steak house menu

The lobster's appeal
It's the freshest food there is
You boil them alive

Standing at the stove
It is hard to deny that
The lobster suffers

Is it all right to
Cook this living creature for
Our eating pleasure?

... On College Commencement ...

Old fish asks young fish:
Good morning, how's the water?
One says: what's water?

Real education
Learn to be well adjusted
Know what you're doing

Simple awareness
What is real and essential
Hidden in plain sight

... On the Road with McCain2000 ...

My friends, I'm running
Not just to be somebody
But to do something

People are cheering
Not for him but for how good
It feels to believe

Is hypocrisy
Just a critical way of
Saying paradox?

Salesman or leader
Or maybe neither or both
Depends on your heart

October 6, 2008

Haiku of Charles Manson

if you heard the truth
and did something about it
who would take the blame?

imprisoned leader
could not be the one to cause
problems of the world

let them cut the trees
and do nothing about it
they will cut some more

they will keep going
until you have sold the air,
water, and wildlife

peace and love and fear
not easy to understand
the difference between

you best check yourself
there's no head or will above
money is your god

October 4, 2008

Haiku of Slavoj Zizak

The core of my work
German idealism

The truth of something
Is always outside of it
Who we are elsewhere

Every word is a
Gravestone marking the absence
Of what it stands for

The rule of the law
Inherent unruliness
Prohibition code

We all disavow
Demise of the big Other
Collective falsehood

Outright cynicist
Return of the big Other
Unseen string puller