February 25, 2007

Haiku of Common Dreams

Robert Dreyfuss

the lie factory
coming apart at the seams
neocon kool-aid

John Nichols

once a grand legion
coalition of willing
down to a handful

Molly Ivins

hillary clinton
there are others to choose from
disqualify her

Helen Thomas

let's go bomb iran
they might be helping bad guys
red hot baloney

Haiku of Jihad

Uthman bin Abdul Rahman al-Tamimi

our beliefs were built
on the skulls and the corpses
of the companions

Ayman al-Zawahiri

crusaders' presence
in our occupied homelands
must provoke jihad

al-Furqan Foundation

land of two rivers
humiliates and harvests
invader piggies

Islamic State of Iraq

dignified exit
british lapdog of cheney
knows when to give up