April 20, 2007

Haiku of Ismail Ax

you have raped my soul
you have vandalized my heart
you torched my conscience

your cars and baubles
trust funds and debaucheries
vodka and cognac

everything you have
fills your hedonistic needs
but still not enough

i could have just left
i didn't have to do it
i could have just fled

for all those you fucked
i am no longer running
i did it for them

April 17, 2007

Haiku of Gene Ray

yclop perspective
taught android mentality
lobotomized brain

singularity scholar
eat cow dung ambrosia
acknowledge the math

clock faces are wrong
greenwich mean time is a lie
cubelessness nonsense

students will awake
from academic stupor
and seek their revenge

April 14, 2007

Haiku of Toyama Koichi

i despise you all
people who have supported
this fucked up country

you foolish voters
who dream of reform or change
nothing will be solved

elections are just
festivals for the fat cats
they won't change a thing

the minority
no longer ask anything
such a sorry state

we must abandon
this detestable nation
scrap and scrap and scrap

look at my posters
hear my terrifying plans
give me a phone call

Haiku of Krauses

shame on betrayers
who have forsaken your faith
why are you sitting

whose side are you on
in the latest civil war
sunni or shiha

when brave knight enters
parliamentarian apes
cry and scream in terror

what were they thinking
the arrows of righteousness
kidnapped the krauses

April 13, 2007

Haiku of Kurt Vonnegut

the meaning of life
we're on earth to fart around
one day at a time

kindness to others
if this isn't nice what is
how to get along

saints are all around
people acting decently
in a world gone mad

music makes you free
the life you know is ending
practice once a night

some of our people
are richer than whole countries
they run everything

no shoes at airport
terrorists hate smell of feet
now we can feel safe

addicted to oil
george bush is a plagiarist
i ought to sue him

jesus used to be
so merciful and loving
now he's just a brand