I searched the web to see what the terrorists have to say about all this, and found several sites that list the origins, philosophies, and affiliations of all the major groups, along with a digest of current news releases from their media outlets. The latter include numerous anti-U.S. speeches saying that they despise American influence in their homelands and will not tolerate the continued occupation by invaders. The rhetoric of these speeches inspired me to create a new word game I call Haiku of Jihad.
This was done as a means of entertainment, with no intent to serve any audience other than myself or advance any political movement. After I collected several pieces and developed a method and style, I decided to post them to share with others.
The object of the game is to write a haiku poem based on an inspirational speech quotation.
see how they curse us
propagandists in tokyo
haiku of jihad
These are my first efforts...
Hossam Abdul Raouf
the world must decide
to be with america
or be against it
Salah al-Din
we prefer our death
more than living in shadow
of heathen squatters
Abu Obieda
they are dirty pigs
that soil themselves in the swamps
evil thoughts and deeds
Eulogy for Abu Musab
losers and failures
you enemies of allah
what's left will hurt you
Islamic Jihad
the yankee army
has gone from proud conquerors
to trembling rabbits
al-Rashideen Army
you cannot recruit
enough new soldiers to fill
the flesh and blood gap
the vermin will have
only the chance to prepare
luggage or coffins
Raed Hijazi
the season is nigh
and the bodies of heathens
will pile up in sacks
Bayan al-Khaby
death certificates
have them with you at all times
we'll fill in the date
Algerian Salafist Group
tears of the orphans
grief of the childless mothers
yet we are coming
Abu Abdullah al-Hassan bin Mahmoud
avoid oppression
as such will bring you darkness
for eternity
This one had too much to say for one entry, so I tried multi-haiku.....
Abdul Hadi
the infidels came
to these our most sacred lands
and new hope was born
the defiant youth
would not submit to the new
evil world order
they shook off the dust
that had built up over time
and took from its pack
their precious burden
of brilliantly writ slogans
and ringing speeches
they ran to the light
the brotherhood of mankind
no god but allah
Don't limit yourself to Islamists. Eloquent sentiment is everywhere out there in medialand...
Don't limit yourself to Islamists. Eloquent sentiment is everywhere out there in medialand...
Hugo Chavez, at the U.N.
bush is the devil
his hand prints from yesterday
still smell of brimstone
Bill Moyers, on media reform
this country of ours
will die of too many lies
if we don't speak out
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