September 13, 2008

Haiku of Ragnar Redbeard and Sean Goblin

i am in meetings
bureaucratic stuff like this
throbbing in my head

i deny all things
i project into their minds
i question all things

only outcome of progress
is hysteria

government and law
alas their ripened harvests
are men without sap

grandest productions
of faiths and literatures
hordes of faithful slaves

sterilized women
evolution and culture
noxious blossoms

a caitiff race
with rottenness in its bones
the enlightenment

argue with people
you watch as they get rattled
i get rattled too

September 7, 2008

Haiku of Rod Parsley

word revealed to man
father son holy spirit
only one true god

he came to save man
virgin birth of jesus christ
offering his blood

death of the body
all mankind is subject to
original sin

jesus will return
providing for the faithful
everlasting life

for non believers
everlasting damnation
the lost of spirit

September 6, 2008

Haiku of Joyce Meyer

the holy bible
it contains every answer
to mankind's problems

god loves all people
he reaches out to the poor
heals broken hearted

sin and salvation
spend eternity with god
jesus will return

allowing god's character
to develop in us

dunking in water
the way of the believers
to be one with god

hell is a real place
permanent separation
from talking with god

September 3, 2008

Haiku of Joel Osteen

god wants you to live
a life of prosperity
not of poverty

no bible for me
just showing folks how to live
everyday lives

you should pay your bills
live in health not in sickness
send kids to college

stand straight and upright
smile on purpose to succeed
live abundantly

how to help the poor
just encourage people not
to be one of them